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Client Story: Jonni

"Now I'm the one that controls my behavior," says Jonni, who has been an APSI client for over a decade. With APSI's help, Jonni has reached a place in life where she independently flew to Florida to visit family. To Jonni, "family is all that matters," so this trip is close to her heart.

For past trips, someone had to fly with Jonni because she fears flying. But now, she faces the flight independently, though she still fears takeoff and landing. Jonni's confidence and independence grew to this point thanks to the continued support from her team and her family. Jonni also conquered her fear of water and took a dip in the pool with her father's encouragement.

Jonni loves spending time with her sister and watching her parenting style. Before getting involved with APSI Jonni says she was "raised by her sister" and appreciates their relationship. She knows her family has her back and prides herself on having theirs. Being able to fly solo to visit them has boosted her confidence, but it was a long road to get there.

Cammie, Jonni's Protective Services Representative (PSR) who's been with her for over a decade, notes that she has "come a very long way" in the time that she has known her. Cammie is proud that "Jonni is very good at articulating her needs and wants." It wasn't always this way. Jonni used to struggle with her past behavior and inflexibility in her life.

Jonni thrives in her own apartment which she decorates with art she, her friends, and her family have made. Jonni's team works diligently so she is able to pick her own schedule and "do her own thing," while still giving her boundaries. She is an active member of her team, directing her team meetings and preparing the agenda beforehand.

Cammie says Jonni is extremely capable and that "she has started to understand that there's more than one way to solve a problem." Jonni says that her staff respects her autonomy and allows her to do things independently, unless she needs help.

Jonni's advocacy extends to others; she often finds herself sticking up for the people in her community. "I self advocate for myself and others," she says. She really knows how to connect with people, "I like listening and understanding. If I don't understand I'm going to ask questions." Jonni feels like she is teaching other members of her community how to stand up for themselves.

"Jonni is a caretaker... she has a strong streak of fighting for the underdog and wanting to make sure that people get what they need." - Cammie, APSI PSR

Jonni is a member of APSI's Advocacy Ambassadors, a group of clients that meet monthly to discuss self-advocacy. Cammie recommended Jonni for the group because she feels like Jonni has really "shown that she cares about other people. She's a good advocate, not only for herself, but for others." In the past decade, Jonni has become incredibly independent, advocated for her needs, and built up her confidence to be an independent problem-solver. "It's a learning process," Jonni stated, but she takes these skill and shares them with as many people as possible.

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